Making professional audio simple and accessible has been our daily activity for more than 35 years. We are pioneers of high-quality digital sound cards with our team designing, developing, and creating our ‘top-notch’ products and solutions from our office surrounded by mountains. These products help media with daily audio transport and distribution of sound. 

Hardware, software, the whole world is our playground. Many collaborators based in Grenoble and Singapore, share a passion for technological challenges and a sense of commitment. All are driven by the usefulness of their projects.

Key figures


year of creation




years old on average


average contract duration 

Meet our team

What we are looking for 

At Digigram, we like career paths that get out of the ordinary. Out-of-the-box profiles

Future employees who are comfortable with SME agility and tech challenges of the world.

‘The world is our oyster’, and internationalism is truly part of Digigram’s DNA. While it sounds a bit cheesy to write it down, it is totally relatable every day. Ask Lucy or Khadija about it.

A mission that makes sense: making technology simple and accessible is more complicated than it seems, ask Eric!

‘Sounds like Digigram’: if this baseline speaks to you, then come and grab a cup of coffee, there is probably a career waiting for you in the Alps.

Good to know

Good sound lovers will be well served at Digigram, there is always a radio on. With coffee, it’s just perfect.

Grenoble is the tech spirit and the head in the mountains: everyone enjoys lunchtime on the patio with a view of Belledonne.

At Digigram, a thousand professional lives are possible. We are committed to ensuring that our employees explore and develop their talents over the years.

Ask Stephane, Nancy, or Karine.


We are Hiring

=>Role: Communication & Digital Marketing

We are Hiring

=>Long-term contract
=>Role: Sales Account & Channel Manager Europe Region

Apply Now

If you think you match our values, then don’t wait any longer!  Drop us a few lines about your motivations, we are always searching for new talents.