That radio station you like spans over the country with 20 regional stations topped by a headquarters location. As the HQ commands, the regional programs must be available in the AES67 infrastructure and encoded and streamed to WEB radio CDN’s in multiple formats and bitrates. What is the best solution to build this system?
The solution

Each regional station is equipped with an IQOYA X/LINK-ST which streams the live local program towards the national HQ station.
Back at the HQ station, an IQOYA SERV/LINK collects all the regional program streams, and decodes them to redundant AES67 streams. At the same time, these regional programs are encoded and streamed to WEB radio CDNs.
Each program is streamed in Icecast (MPEG layer 3 128 Kbps and 256 Kbps ) , and in HLS multi bitrate (AAC-LC 64 Kbps, 128 Kbps, and 256 Kbps ), and in HLS HeAACv2 64 kbps. This makes 6 encodings per program, so a total of 120 encodings.
Necessary products:
At each regional studio
– X/LINK-ST (analog or AES3 connectivity), or X/LINK-AES67 (AES67 connectivity)
At the regional station
Only one IQOYA SERV/LINK AES67, et voilà.
Benefits of the solution
- Only a 1U for decoding all the 20 streams to AES67, and encoding and streaming 120 formats in Icecast and HLS.
- AES67 redundancy (SMPTE-2022-7)
Learn more
SERV/LINK product page

X/LINK-ST product page