Busy day at the radio station: the producer is about to release 8 radio programs. Format is AES3, and the day’s mission is to transmit these 8 programs from multiple FM transmitter sites. While this routine duty seems easy, the transmission has to go through with a very reliable global system: network redundancy will be crucial to make sure these 8 programs can be smoothly transmitted.
Capitalizing on two available MPLS networks, a 1+1 redundancy is required for the encoding phase at the radio station, and just the same is expected for decoding at each transmitter site.
No head scratching solutions, IQOYA SERV/LINK has everything to carry out this task stress free.
The solution

IQOYA SERV/LINK 16161 is the multichannel IP audio codec that the radio station needs here for this task where redundancy is key: our codec supports up to 8 stereo AES3 inputs and outputs.
To unfold the 2-steps process, let’s install two SERV/LINK units at the radio station. They will simultaneously encode and stream the 8 AES3 programs. Each program is streamed in multicast, but also in redundant dual streaming: one stream on the first MPLS, and the redundant stream on the second MPLS.
Step two is to move to the FM transmitter sites. On each site, two IQOYA SERV/LINK units run in parallel, with each unit receiving each program from the two networks at the same time.
Redundancy is ensured as follows: if one network link fails, programs are recovered from the other network. In the unlikely event of an encoder failing, the two decoders receive the streams coming from the other encoder and from both networks.
Eventually, each decoder will output the 8 programs. Audio switches will automatically select the valid output for each program (for program number “n”, output “n” of the first decoder, or output”n” of the second decoder).
Signed, sealed, delivered, IQOYA SERV/LINK has plenty of backup plans to ensure that the AES3 programs will be delivered to the transmitters, no matter what.
Benefits of the solution
- Designed to be extremely reliable
- Smooth and seamless switching from networks: no audio artifact or silence
- Compact solution (only 2U at each site)
Learn more
SERV/LINK product page